​​​​​​​​​​​A Grassroots Program To Aid Washington Gas:

The Washington Gas Political Action Committee (PAC) Grassroots Program will support the advocacy and development of issues important to  the company, so that PAC members can communicate effectively and persuasively with their legislators. The purpose of building a grassroots campaign is to help cultivate a sense of ownership and responsibility within the company to help advance a company intiative. The Washington Gas PAC Grassroots Program is specifically designed to help PAC members build a sense of mutual responsibility for supporting certain issues. To see a change in our political environment and the communities we serve, we must unify and support those elected officials who support our company's position.
Why A Grassroots Program Will Benefit Washington Gas:

A Grassroots Program provides a more direct communication path between PAC members and their elected officials. This program enhances a constituent-based advocacy tool for Washington Gas. Additionally, it will ensure that your thoughts and concerns are addressed directly to your legislators. By cultivating a sense of community between the Washington Gas PAC members and legislators, PAC members will personally experience how decisions made by lawmakers affect the company and the work they do for the company. In addition, volunteering time will give members hands-on experience in creating and promoting Washington Gas initiatives.
What You Can Do To Help:
​As a member of the Washington Gas PAC, your active involvement is key. By donating you time, you can help write letters and send emails to you elected representatives on behalf of Washington Gas. This can help educate legislators on specific issues impacting our company. Please consider giving a little of your time to help Washington Gas advance its initiatives. Remember, there is strength in numbers! By contributing to Washington Gas PAC and using your voice in its grassroots programs, you are supporting the vision of making Washington Gas the preferred source of clean and efficient energy solutions.



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